Am/Can GCh Keypoint’s Heaven N Hell Can Wait CGN ATD NS VN RATI RN SD-S-SP SD - Aka “Rip”

(GCh. Nanjay’s Upgrade x Ch. Keypoint’s Please Play Again ETD NSD SDO CGN SD-S-SP SD-A CGN)


Rip was our keeper puppy from the Emerson x Betty litter.  If a boy is staying here, they MUST be exceptional!  Rip is fulfilling all his early promise and more.  He finished his Championship in 2 weekends of showing and his Grand Championship was also earned in 2 weekends.  He is a group winner, multiple group placer and 9 time Best Puppy In Group winner.  He also LOVES to work (like his momma Betty) and is already titled in tricks, sprinters, a Canine Good Neighbour and has his Versatility Novice title.  He has also now added his started and advanced scent detection titles as well as his Barn Hunt Instinct Title.  He will continue to pursue performance titles and be occasionally shown in 2023.


Rip is available to approved females.


Health Testing to date:

Eye Exam- Normal (July 2022)

OFA Hips- Fair (preliminary)

OFA Elbows- Normal (preliminary)

PRA- Carrier

PFK- Normal

Fucco- Normal

DM- Carrier

Pennhip Results available upon request.


We have 3 promising young boys that I believe have very exciting futures ahead of them!

Ch. Keypoint’s The Heavens Are Right NTD

Aka “Jim”

(MBIS GCHS Wynmoor N Bryden Once Upon A Time  x CH Keypoint’s Colours Of The Wind NTD)


This lovely liver boy has so many of the virtues I wanted to bring forward when I did the Crayola X Bradley breeding.  His movement is ground covering, has lovely bone and a beautiful headpiece.  He has an amazing temperament and loves to learn; he already has his Novice Trick Dog title. Jim is co-owned by Keypoint and the Waugh’s and we look forward to watching him mature!

PRA- Normal

PFK- Normal

Eye Exam- Normal (June 2023)

Rest of health testing to be completed as he comes of age.

Ch. Keypoint’s My What A Guy Gaston

Aka “West”

(MBIS GCHS Wynmoor N Bryden Once Upon A Time  x CH Keypoint’s Colours Of The Wind NTD)


West is a littermate to Jim and really maturing into a lovely dog.  Another sound moving dog, with an amazing temperament who also loves to work!  He is a lovely dog of moderation, which is what a Springer Spaniel should be!  This lucky boy lives on Vancouver Island where he gets to enjoy beach life as much as possible!

PRA- Normal

Rest of health testing to be completed as he comes of age.

Ch. Keypoint’s Show You The World ATD

Aka “Zukko”

(MBIS GCHS Wynmoor N Bryden Once Upon A Time  x CH Keypoint’s Colours Of The Wind NTD)


another lovely boy from our Crayola x Bradley breeding.  This boy like his brothers, has beautiful movement and an absolutely eye catching outline.  He also loves to work and is working on scent detection and rally titles, while still being shown occasionally.  Zukko is co-owned with the Grift family and is loved and adored by their kids.

PRA: Carrier

Rest of health testing results to be completed as he comes of age.



Jeanine Jorgensen  ~  306-891-5504  ~